Rick Vasquez

Welcome to my author’s website. Thank you for allowing me to share my Books, Short Stories, Audios, Podcasts, Music, and Artwork. I have created this website to store and display my work so that in the future, my Grandchildren and their children will know more about who I am in relationship to who they are. I hope that a true understanding of my love of being a Latino will give them a sense of personal history in appreciation of the sacrifices that fellow Latino’s strived for the betterment of each generation. However, I need to show and explain the quality of the Latino people trying hard, yet always understanding, love, peace, and the power of the heart. It’s these qualities that need to transpire through our generational growth, never allowing anybody to take full possession of our soul.

My dear friends, please accept my stories as your own. Love my characters because each of them our real players in my life.

Enjoy my artwork and music as I allow my heart to settle its grievances through joy and love.

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